By Terri Benson posted February 5, 2021

We are delighted to welcome John Cooksey to the FRI team as our new CEO. John will work with our Founder, Greg Nathan, to continue FRI's important work fostering the creation of profitable partnerships in the global franchising sector. John's background in international franchising with Yum! Brands, and his psychology qualifications make him an ideal fit for the role. He is looking forward to meeting as many clients as possible over the coming months.

We have already delivered a number of Culture of Franchising Workshops this year with fantastic feedback from participants. While our Foundation Field Manager Bootcamp next week is booked out, we have a range of professional development workshops scheduled to support your entire franchisor team over the coming months. Read on to find out more about how these can help your network grow and prosper.

1. Best Practice Insights: Helping franchisees to stay optimistic

These 7 tips for helping franchisees to stay optimistic come from discussions in our Field Manager Bootcamps. These best practice sharing discussions are a popular part of all our programs.

  1. Help them to stay connected with you and with each other through regular video conferencing sessions.
  2. Create and regularly update COVID-19 related resources and support materials.
  3. Conclude meetings with a learning point or question to reflect on, and use this as a check-in for the start of the next meeting.
  4. Remember all franchisees are individuals, so send information and tips that are relevant to their specific situation.
  5. If they raise fears or concerns, actively listen to them, show empathy and thank them for their honesty and for sharing.
  6. Encourage them to stay focused on the things they have influence and control over.
  7. Work with them to try out local marketing initiatives during quiet periods, focused action can generate energy and a sense of achievement.

2. Franchising Fact: What franchisees most want

Every year, through our ACE Franchisee Satisfaction Survey, we ask thousands of franchisees if they have a message for their franchisor leadership team. The most common response remains the same every year. "Please listen and consult with us more on issues that affect us."

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Since 1990, thousands of franchise executives around the world have enjoyed receiving a regular email tip from FRI’s Founder, Greg Nathan.

These short stories on the psychology of business and everyday life have been likened to “mind brightening pills” as they open our thinking to fresh insights for improving wellbeing, business performance and franchise relationships.

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